Most people would put a loss of balance half-way up the Eiffel Tower down to vertigo.

But for Tony Eden, the stumble during a trip to Paris was the first sign of things to come.

The 60-year-old suffers from ataxia - a crippling, incurable and untreatable disorder which progressively attacks the central nervous system.

The symptoms include unsteadiness and slurred speech, which can be mistaken for being drunk.

Along with other members of the Bradford Ataxia Self Help Group, Mr Eden is now campaigning to heighten GP and public awareness.

It took about eight years for the retired architect from Thornton to receive a diagnosis of cerebellar ataxia.

His wife, Vivienne, said: "We thought at first it was the inner ear or vertigo. The doctors did tests for MS and ruled it out and then they told him it was all in his mind. They couldn't put a name to it.

"Once it starts, you can't stop it. One of the problems is that if your speech is slurred and you can't walk straight the first thing people think is that you're drunk.

"If you say someone has got cancer or MS, it rings a bell. When you see someone in a wheelchair with cerebellar ataxia they say they've never heard of it. The more awareness we can bring to people, the better."

Ataxia means unsteadiness and clumsiness. Destroying nerve and muscle cells, it can leave its victims totally disabled and can affect vision, hearing and speech. The causes of the cerebellar form are often unknown, but Friedreich's ataxia, which affects the young, can be inherited.

Mr Eden, pictured with his wife, said: "One of the big drawbacks with ataxia is the frustration. Your mind is so active but the body is absolutely useless. Although you'd like to think you can do certain things, it's just not possible."

The Bradford Ataxia Self Group was set up in 1990 and meets bi-monthly.

To raise awareness, members will be at the Kirkgate Shopping Centre in Bradford between 9am and 4pm on Saturday, April 27.

Their next meeting will be held at the Beckfield Day Centre, 70, Bolton Lane, off Bolton Road at 12pm on Saturday, May 24. Call chairman Dennis Boland on (01274) 735662 or Mr Eden on (01274) 832348 for more details.