CHILDREN at Kettlewell Primary School welcomed a special guest to open their new classroom.

Look North weatherman Paul Hudson had been invited to the school by headteacher Roz Macdonald, who shares a passion for Bradford City FC alongside the celebrity meteorologist.

"Our new classroom for Key Stage One pupils is now complete and we wanted him to come along and officially open it for us.

"He is always mentioning nithering winds on the weather slots so we invited him along to experience a real one up here," she explained.

Mr Hudson stayed around 40 minutes, cut a cake and launched a number of balloons prepared by the youngsters at Kettlewell and Arncliffe schools.

Amazingly, one balloon was returned to the school the following day after reaching Manchester.

In the meantime, Craveners should watch out for Mr Hudson sporting a silk tie bearing an image of the River Wharfe and raindrops. It was made at the school and he has promised to wear it at least once while reading the weather.

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