THERE is something mean-spirited about the decision to deny Marcia Turner of the role of chairman of Craven District Council. It is an honorary position, traditionally handed out as recognition of service to longer serving councillors with the deputy chairman simply easing up into the post, often elected unopposed.

Yet Mrs Turner was denied the honour when the new council met on Tuesday, the role falling to Ken Hart from the largest political group on the council, the Liberal Democrats. Mr Hart was chairman just three years ago.

It is the second time this has happened to Mrs Turner. Similar political manouevres denied her the role of Skipton's mayor.

The chairman does have a casting vote and the decision might have made sense had the numbers been close. But the Liberal Democrat -Independent alliance has 17 votes, Mrs Turner's Conservatives just 13.

Mrs Turner can feel hard done by. The Conservatives will no doubt decide that what goes round, comes round.