FINAL approval for Otley's new £14 million Wharfedale Hospital is expected to be given in the next few days.

Planning officers and councillors have been thrashing out differences of opinion over proposed materials for the new building.

And at a meeting this week between planning officers and Councillor Clive Fox (Con, Otley and Wharfedale) discussions were centred around the choice of materials for the roof and the colours of window frames.

Coun Fox said: "Looking at the cost of alternative materials, we have had to concede that the proposed aluminium roof for the new hospital is the only realistic option.

"We have been assured that over a period of twelve months or so that the weathering effect will tone down the colour somewhat enabling the building to blend in more with its surroundings."

Coun Nigel Francis (Con, Otley and Wharfedale) added: "The question of materials to be used in this landmark building for Otley has always been very important, but nothing is more important than getting our hospital up and running as soon as possible."

Coun Fox added that he had asked that any potential problems with contractors vehicles be sorted out.