Skipton'S biggest jubilee bash is in jeopardy, as permission to close off the High Street has still not been granted.

Fresh AM wants to host a party on the High Street on Tuesday June 4 complete with children's games, big money competitions, a holiday giveaway, picnic and music.

Mark Reason, from Fresh AM, sent his application to close the High Street to 16 interested parties including the police, North Yorkshire County Council Highways, fire service, ambulance service, six bus operators and Skipton Town Council.

So far favourable comments have been returned by all but Skipton Town Council. He is still awaiting a response from three bus companies who are working on revised bus routes.

Last Thursday Skipton town councillors objected to the event because they thought it would over-shadow the smaller street parties that had been meticulously planned by bands of Skipton residents.

Their comments have to be taken into consideration by Craven District Council which makes the final decision.

Christine Fitzmorris, from Craven's legal department, said that she was compiling information about the event.

She would then present it, along with the town council's concerns and any other representations, to the ward members who would make the final decision. They are expected to do so "at the eleventh hour" next week.

Coun Polly English told the town council: "I just feel the Fresh AM marches in on everything. Is it doing it for its own publicity or for the good of the town?"

Coun Paul English said people might be tempted away from the smaller parties, which would be unfair on the organisers who had put in so much time planning them.

The town council has also given these small groups grants to help make their street parties a success.

Fresh AM hoped to close the High Street between noon and 8pm and was expecting 3,000 people to attend.

Coun Audrey Thornton said the application had come in at short notice, and members thought they did not have enough information about the event.

But Mr Reason said the council had received the same details as every other body and there had been no other complaints. "I'd love to know why they feel they are the only ones who do not know what is going on."

He added that he had run many events in the past including the Christmas lights switch on in Skipton and thought the application would be a formality. "Especially when it is such a public issue," he added.

June 4 was picked because there were no smaller street parties planned for that day and Mr Reason thought a whole town event would be well received.

"We are not trying to steal anyone's thunder. Some people could be jubileed out by Tuesday but there will be people who still will not have had the opportunity to celebrate," he said.

*Are you having a street party? E-mail us the details on: