ORGANISERS of Otley Show have declared the event a success - despite threatening skies and the absence of crowd-pullers cattle and sheep. With last year's show cancelled, because of foot and mouth, and so many events this year either hit or cancelled once again, it was a great boost for the town to see the show back again at Bridge End.

Many businesses in the town displayed signs advertising the show, but mysteriously a good number failed to back it - even in such a small way. Money might well be very tight, but the show is a very big part of the town and its prosperity and a little more support from businesses would not have gone amiss - after all, a successful show brings more people into the town.

However, congratulations to the show secretary, Janet Raw. The show day may have been grey, but the crowds and exhibitors were clearly delighted to be back.

l Otley shopkeepers are delighted with their latest tool in the fight against crime. Now so many of them have been fitted out with walkie talkies they can keep in touch and know instantly about any potential shoplifters.

It also means the smaller shops on the outskirts can keep in touch, and not feel out on a limb. With security cameras being fitted in more and more towns, thieves will make their way to places like Otley without them.

Traders want to fight back, and this is a good way to do it. And if it gives them a greater feeling of community then, well done.

l The hard work of our towns and villages in the Yorkshire in Bloom competition has yielded good results. Otley put in the best performance for years in the first round of judging - in which it traditionally founders - but top marks to Guiseley for coming third in only its third year of entering.

It just goes to show what constant badgering from small groups of enthusiastic volunteers can achieve - the rest of us are lucky that such people exist.