Youngsters will be able to enjoy rides on model steam trains at the gala day hosted by Brighouse and Halifax Model Engineering Society on Sunday, July 7.

All the proceeds of the event will go towards the Telegraph & Argus Bradford Can...Cancer Research Appeal to raise £1 million for pioneering work in Bradford.

At the event youngsters will be able to try out steam trains and Northern Counties Land Rover Club will also be there showing off their vehicles.

Music will come from Hebden Bridge Brass Band and there will also be games, stalls and competitions.

The event takes place at Ravensprings Park, Cawcliffe Road, Brighouse, between 2pm and 5pm.

Entry costs £1 for adults, 50p for children and £2.50 for a family ticket. Steam society member David Waiwright is pictured getting fired up for the gala