Keighley Scouts had their skills put to the test.

Six teams from troops throughout the district took part in the Moorsman Hike.

Covering a route of about 12 miles, the Scouts faced a range of challenges, from first aid and compass work, to initiative tests.

The four-strong teams were awarded points for their performance at each of eight bases, and for walk times and kit inspections. The Scouts started from Lees School on the Saturday and finished at Haworth the following afternoon, camping overnight at Blackhills, Cottingley.

As part of the challenge the teams had to provide for themselves during the event, and carried most of their own gear. Bases were run by service team members, leaders, other adult supporters, and Explorer Scouts.

The organising team was headed by Bob Schofield, the Scouts' district advisor for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, who said: "The event went very well indeed.

"The hike has now been held annually for at least a decade, although last year it had to be cancelled due to the foot and mouth situation.

"The route this time was a little shorter to cater for a younger clientele, and we provide back up throughout, but the Scouts have to navigate between bases carrying expedition packs and are responsible for their catering at camp.

"It is good experience for them. It is also good training for the Explorer Scouts, from the Duke of Edinburgh team, who help out."

The hike was won by 1st Silsden (St James), with 6th Keighley (Oakworth) 'A' in second place and Oakworth's 'B' team third.

Picture: Winners of the annual Moorsman Hike were this team from the 1st Silsden troop: from left, Jonathan Clark, Rob Wall, Matthew Binks and Callum Stronach