If it's good enough for The Beatles then it's good enough for Keighley's newest band.

When The Hip Replacements wanted to promote their first ever gig they came over all Abbey Road.

Their pastiche of the Fab Four's famous album cover on a Haworth pedestrian crossing even includes a clue as to where their first gig will be.

However, Keighley's newest band would be the first to admit that being hip is way down on their list of priorities.

The Hip Replacements are more concerned about rocking a few joints, having a good time and raising some cash for local charities. They are playing their inaugural gig at the Royal Oak, in Haworth, on Monday, in aid of Manorlands hospice.

Rhythm guitarist and vocalist Clive Lucas explained: "The idea of the band was to raise money for a charity bike ride from London to Amsterdam that I did back in May.

"We had hoped to do a gig in April, but due to work commitments we are only now ready to launch ourselves on an unsuspecting world.

"We actually drew the name out of a hat and it seemed appropriate because we are at the age when we might need one!

"We'll be playing rock covers from the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties -- in fact anything we can get away with."

Clive will be joined on stage by Paul Andrews, the drummer, bass player Mick Carey, formerly of Four Beats Behind Bars, and lead guitarist Mick Greenwood.

"The Spice Girls had Mel C and Mel B, now we've got Mick C and Mick G," added Clive.

With £1,500 raised from the cycle ride for Mencap, the band has decided that the Royal Oak gig should raise money for Manorlands. Their gig starts at 9pm and entry is free, although the band will be passing the hat around on the night for the Oxenhope hospice.