Two brothers from Cross Hills were thrilled when an ice cream van answered their plea in the Keighley News to visit their street.

Conrad, nine, and Declan Waggett, 11, of Walker Close unveiled their campaign in the KN last week to encourage ice cream vans not to drive past the end of their road without stopping.

As well as contacting the paper, the brothers made a banner stating 'Wanted - Ice Cream Van' which they displayed whenever a van went past.

On Saturday a Mr Softie's ice cream van responded to their plea and stopped on Walker Close at 7.45pm. The same van also visited the street on Sunday at 6.45pm.

Their mother Annette Waggett says: "Declan and Conrad were over the moon when an ice cream van appeared on the Close for the first time in years.

"On Saturday it was a little late for a lot of the children to participate, but Declan and Conrad certainly enjoyed their Mr Softie ice cream - they were both so pleased."

There are 16 children living on the street and Mrs Waggett adds: "I advised the ice cream man to come a lot earlier next time if he wanted more people to buy, as a lot of the children would either be in bed or getting ready for bed.

"The times were a bit late - to get the most out of it they should probably make it about 5.30pm, after tea - or in the afternoon when the children aren't at school.

"Their campaign has brought it to attention and the boys are really grateful for the piece in the paper and to the ice cream van for listening to them.

"I am presuming the vendor will come back. Let's hope that there will be more visits and that only a few purchased ice creams won't put the ice cream van off in future."