The eagle has landed, thanks to staff and customers at a Bradley pub.

Over 1,000 corks collected at the Tadpole, Snaygill, have been used to help create a giant sculpture of an eagle.

The structure - which is eight metres high and has a 12-metre wing span - is now in place at the Eden Project in Cornwall.

The pub launched an appeal for wine corks earlier this year, and began saving its own, after the RSPB announced plans to build the giant eagle.

The project was part of a campaign to highlight the plight of several species of rare birds threatened by the decline of Portuguese cork orchards.

A photograph of the sculpture and a thank-you letter from the RSPB will now take pride of place in the Tadpole.

Landlord Mark Hocking said: "It was great to be involved in the project from start to finish and see the significant contribution that our guests made.

"Our wines are very popular and we handed over several bin bags full of corks - I think we must have been responsible for a large part of the magnificent sculpture."

RSPB senior project manager Conor Jameson paid tribute to the pub's effort.

He said: "We are extremely pleased with the efforts of all the staff and guests. It is nice to engage the support of so many people at a local level."