Bradford Bulls chiefs have taken the first major step towards the long-awaited redevelopment of Odsal Stadium.

After waiting in vain for more than a decade for its promised world class stadium, the club is going it alone with plans for a top-class pavilion on part of the old speedway pit lane on its ground.

Bradford Council has allowed its director of transportation and design Alan Mainwaring to approve the planning application using delegated powers. The plans had been advertised but no representations were made to the Council about them.

Now the Bulls have applied to Sport England for help with funding and plan to release full information on the state-of-the-art facility by Christmas.

Garages which occupy the south east end of the stadium would be demolished to make way for the two-storey pavilion which would have restaurants, bars and corporate facilities.

The building would provide full views across from the corporate boxes and restaurants. The existing stand and terraces would remain.

Through the years the club has seen one dream after another for multi-million redevelopments of the Council-owned stadium come to nothing. Plans for a £200 million Superdome at the home of the Bulls dragged on for five years before they finally collapsed.

The last ill-fated scheme put forward by Leeds developers Sterling Capitol appeared to heading towards fruition. But the company pulled out reluctantly when the Government called its planning application in for a public inquiry.

The Bulls decision to go it alone and start the process which will turn Odsal into a top class sports ground follows a deal struck with Bradford Council ending an agreement made in 1986.

The agreement meant the Council had to pay £337,000 each year to the club and it was not due to end until 2019.

In return for agreeing to its termination, the club is receiving a one-off £4.6 million payment from the Council.

Club chairman Chris Caiseley, who is now trying to get international rugby back to Odsal, said he hoped the work would be completed by next season.

"I want to thank everyone involved in the planning process, the Council, planning department and Environment Agency for the way they have worked to get this application approved."

Executive member for corporate and regeneration Councillor Simon Cooke said: " I am sure thousands of people will benefit from the improvements."