A PLETHORA of public meetings on one of the most serious issues to affect people throughout Wharfedale, Aireborough and Horsforth were held this week.

And thankfully, our communities seem to have found their voice at last.

Whatever the economic merits or otherwise of Leeds Bradford Airport's expansion, a four-fold increase in passengers is sure to bring misery to residents across the area.

The arguments against all the extra traffic, noise and pollution were well aired at a public meeting at Trinity and All Saints College earlier this month and were again voiced this week in Rawdon, Otley and Horsforth.

The counter arguments of jobs and prestige have been equally well aired in the past.

But this week could well end up having a very significant impact on the quality of life in the area over the next 30 years, because people have realised the value of strength in numbers and old-fashioned community spirit.

In Horsforth on Monday a lobby group to represent the interests of people living around LBA was formed. And last Friday, the hard-working Green Lane Action Group opened itself up to take in surrounding streets in Yeadon and Rawdon.

Acknowledgement seemed to come at both these meetings that some airport expansion is virtually inevitable - but it is important that people are not ignored, rail-roaded or even bullied into accepting plans which could adversely affect thew quality of their lives.

Sensible representation of the communities surrounding the airport is essential. Having a say on what happens at LBA and making sure that it is not excessive or unjustified is equally as essential. It is only through having a voice that communities will be heard by the aiport, councillors and the powers that be.

The two groups set up this week may not stop airport expansion - indeed, they may not wish to - but their importance to the community is paramount.