SIR - Re the letter "Not So Good" (T&A, December 19). Isn't it about time Bradfordians stopped bleating about how poor the Council and the district is?

The Audit Commission are a body independent of Government who undertook a rigorous assessment of the Council's performance based on a wide range of information, much of this ultimately based on the views of people who use Council services.

Yes, the Council has room for improvement, but the consistent running down of Bradford by a significant minority of people who live here beggars belief. Having lived in other parts of the country, I have never experienced such numbers of local people happy to run down their home.

Can't we all get behind the organisations like the Council which, after all, is run by local people's democratically-elected representatives and is endeavouring every day to improve the quality of its own services and in turn the district?

If you think the Council is being complacent in improving its services, I suggest you talk to your local councillors or use your democratic right to vote for someone you think could do better.

Neil Shaw, Long Lane, Harden.

SIR - Further to your report (T&A, December 11), I note B&Q are seeking planning permission for a superstore in the Canal Road/Valley Road area of Bradford in addition to the proposed superstore application on West Bowling Golf Club which is outside the UDP and Government guidelines.

Do B&Q require two new superstores within five miles of each other as well as stores on Euroway and at Thornbury?

Why doesn't common sense prevail? Build the new superstore at Canal Road and leave one of the few green areas of Bradford alone. Surely one B&Q superstore is enough.

David A Robinson, Greenacre Drive, Wyke, Bradford.

SIR - Five weeks ago, I reported to the Holme Wood rent office that my smoke detectors would not work, although new batteries had been fitted.

"I doubt they will be repaired, no funds are available, but we will try," was the response.

Two weeks later I called again. No guarantee they will be done.

On the afternoon of December 12, I rang Nelson Street fire station. Four days later at 2.15pm they duly arrived, fitted two alarms, went to my neighbour who is crippled, and fitted him two, also gave him a tip on his survival on what to do if he was in bed and fire broke out.

Thank you West Yorkshire Fire Service. Mr Prescott's mates would have not got us into this mess if they had looked at the books years ago to see where waste was going.

Philip E Barnett, Heysham Drive, Holme Wood, Bradford.

SIR - I think those people in Bradford who still have the heart to be interested in such matters will agree that the only development to actually enhance the townscape in the last 20 years is Centenary Square. It gives space to appreciate the City Hall, and an intriguing view of the spire of the Wool Exchange beyond some fine Victorian facades. It is also ideal for concerts, open air exhibitions etc.

It will shock many people to see that this recent and well-liked feature is under threat from one of the proposals to use public money to mutilate City Hall - one of Britain's finest Victorian Gothic buildings. It is proposed to chop the Square into a series of "interconnecting spaces", though what real use these spaces will serve is not made clear.

How is it that Bradford always snatches defeat from the jaws of victory? And is there a hidden agenda, common to all the "mainstream" parties, to wreck everything that might remind people that this was once a great European city?

Ian Sykes, Guernsey Road, Croftlands, Dewsbury.

SIR - I would like to thank all of the people who wrote to me and phoned to join us and help in our policy of fighting for our fundamental rights as citizens of our country. Thanks also for the help that T&A gave our group.

Without the help of the T&A retired people in Bradford would have no voice at all.

J R Smith, chairman, Retired People's Action Group, Flawith Drive, Fagley.

SIR - I would like to thank the talented young man who works at Shipley Pool for the pictures he creates on the glass windows. They give much pleasure on the short, dark days of winter.

Margaret Evans, Bilsdale Way, Baildon.