Bradford Area Occupational Health and Safety Forum wants people to attend its conference - Securing Health Together - on Wednesday, April 16.

The conference takes place from 9.30am to 4pm at the Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Road, Thornbury.

In 2000, the UK Government laun-ched 'Securing Health Together' - an occupational health strategy for England, Scotland and Wales. The strategy recognises that the workplace is ideal to promote the health of workers and the public alike.

The occupational health strategy is a vital link that will make the Govern-ment's public health initiatives more effective. The Bradford Area Occupational Health and Safety Forum is the major partnership concerned with occupational health and safety in the District. The conference will:

Have a keynote speech from Bill Callaghan, chairman of the Health and Safety Commission.

Launch Towards a Bradford Area Framework for Securing Health Together - a local occupational health and safety strategy" a response to the Government's occupational health and safety strategy.

Launch a regional occupational health and safety group the Yorkshire and Humber Occupation-al Health Development Group.