REPRESENTATIVES from Silsden manufacturing company Brett Harris Ltd were the guests of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh on Monday night.

Managing director Michael Dobson, export sales manager Darren Burrell and Peter Clarkson, designer and pattern maker, travelled to Buckingham Palace to attend a special reception for winners of the Queen's Award for Enterprise.

The awards, announced in April last year, were given to companies that demonstrated business excellence in international trade, innovation and sustainable development.

The award came in the same year as the company's 25th anniversary.

Brett Harris Ltd pioneered and manufactures the light-weight, compact sleeping bag Snugpak and outdoor clothing.

During the evening each representative was announced and personally introduced to the Queen and Prince Philip, before being shown into the Royal Gallery to meet other winners of this prestigious award.

Over the next few hours, Prince Philip found time to congratulate Brett Harris Ltd on the award and showed a great deal of interest in its British manufacturing base in Silsden.

The team also met the Princess Royal and her husband, Commander Timothy Lawrence, along with the Duke of Gloucester and many other members of the Royal Household.

Prime Minister Tony Blair would have also been in attendance but was called away at the last minute to an emergency EU meeting.

Mr Dobson told the Herald: "The day exceeded our wildest expectations. We were delighted to hear that we would be greeted by the Queen on arrival but did not expect to enjoy so much of her company before she had to retire to rest her leg.

"The number of members of the Royal family that had taken the time to attend was extremely flattering.

"The Royal Gallery where we were entertained was sumptuous, surrounded as we were by priceless works of art such as Rembrandts and Rubens. We were waited on hand and foot, served from silver salvers with tasty canaps and our glasses were never empty," said Mr Clarkson.

"As thrilled as we were to receive the award, this was nothing to the pride felt as we were introduced to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. I can not think of a higher accolade for a job well done," added Mr Burrell.

Minister of state for employment relations, industry and the regions, Alan Johnson was among the guests

He said of the awards: "I am conscious of the immense effort and dedication involved in achieving the sustained business success required to put a company in the running for this tremendous accolade.

"Whether resulting from impressive growth in earnings from overseas trade, turning bright ideas into popular products or a healthy business performance based on sustainable development, they all represent excellence."

Also invited to the reception were representatives from another award winner, Euro Direct Database Marketing, a subsidiary of Skipton Building Society, based in Bradford.