A Council environment chief is seeking talks with the Highways Agency to find ways of tackling motorists who throw rubbish out of car windows as they queue to get into Bradford on the M606.

Leader of the Council's Liberal Democrat group Councillor Jeanette Sunderland has called for tough action on mounting rubbish created by drivers as they wait at the traffic lights on the approach road, pictured.

Coun Sunderland said: "I want cameras which can catch them in the act and I believe people should be fined.

"People are simply clearing out their cars while they queue. They are throwing out newspapers, plastic bags, food and drink containers and sweet papers.

"The litter is spreading down the embankment and onto the roads coming into Bradford.

"It's a real mess and creates a terrible impression when millions of pounds are being spent to improve the main gateways to the city."

Director of environmental protection and waste management Richard Wixey said: "I am very concerned and am seeking a meeting with the Highways Agency about what can be done. We need to seek a joint solution.

"All the main routes are immensely important because of their effect on the image of the city."

Council leader Councillor Margaret Eaton said: "Clearly we cannot condone this and we will have to look at the way the law can be enforced in this situation on dropping litter. It is at a time when we are trying to rekindle people's pride in the district."

The motorway litter mountain comes as the Council and regeneration agencies focus on the gateway routes and consider providing major works of art - similar to the Angel of the North - to show drivers they are approaching the city.

Regen 2000 - which is dealing with a £28 million award from the Government's Single Regeneration Budget - is sponsoring a cleansing worker and has bought a mechanical street sweeper and 100 extra litter bins to clean up Leeds Road.