Children at Aire View Infants School, Silsden, have been involved in a heart-warming art project.

The children, aged seven and eight, undertook the project outside of the normal curriculum following a visit from the Heartstone Project.

The project hopes to ease racial tensions and intolerance by telling the story of the Heartstone Odyssey by Arvan Kumar - which shows children the importance of love and understanding.

Teacher Brenda Carey explained: "We basically did it as part of the lunch hour and the children have all been involved with making badges, some stained glass windows and a silk painting, among other work.

"The idea was to encourage them to think about some of the racial issues raised and to focus on positive images."

Seven-year-old Rebecca Haworth added: "We all did a little piece of the design to make the whole thing. I loved doing it, we did the silk painting and I think that it looks really good."