Every school pupil in the Bradford district is being invited to use the power of love for a fantastic painting and drawing competition as part of this year's Bradford International Festival.

The Telegraph & Argus and Education Bradford have teamed up to launch the contest in which pupils will be asked to complete a piece of artwork using the festival theme of "love" as the subject.

It is one of a number of projects being organised to get schools involved in the festival.

Youngsters creating the best pieces of work - one each from a primary school and a secondary school - will receive a Sony EJ750 personal CD player worth £69.99, donated by Sunwin House and art equipment, donated by Probyns stationery & office products, Bradford.

And all the work will go on display in Bradford city centre during the festival, which this year runs from June 12 to 22.

Graham Cox, Education Bradford's strategic manager for music, arts and sport, said: "This is a great opportunity for local children to get more involved with the Bradford Festival.

"The theme is love and the more original the entry the better.

"This is a fun competition - good luck to all."

Zulfi Karim, business development manager of the festival, said: "Bradford International Festival is delighted to be working with the T&A and Education Bradford for the school children's competition on the theme of love in this year's festival.

"We are looking forward to imaginative works of art from children across the Bradford district. The theme of love aims to bring together communities from across the world."

T&A editor Perry Austin-Clarke, who came up with the idea for the competition, said the newspaper could play a vital role in encouraging people across the district to be more involved with Bradford International Festival.

"This art competition is a fantastic way of getting young people from schools throughout Bradford thinking about the festival and helping them to feel more involved in it before this year's events have even started.

"The exhibition of the work in the city centre during the festival will provide a real focus for families and should be just one of the many things which bring a real buzz to the streets during the events.

"This is a time of real change for Bradford International Festival and the T&A is proud to be part of a team helping to make the events bigger and better than ever before."

Pupils at Lower Fields Primary School, Fenby Avenue, East Bowling, are already preparing to take part in the competition.

Art and design technology teacher at the school, Jo Evans, said: "I think this is a great opportunity for the children to be involved in the community in Bradford through the festival."

Schools are being asked to make sure the work is A4 size and all entries are received by Friday, May 16 at the latest.

Entries should be sent to Bradford Festival Art Competition, c/o Deborah Nicholson, Telegraph & Argus, Hall Ings, Bradford, BD1 1JR.

For further information ring Graham Cox on (01274) 385553. Pictured are resident aritst at Power Fields, Bozana Nesporova with, from left, Hayley Woods, Ryan Brook, Joshua Aubrey and John Bromley