It is nice to see the Yeadon community coming together to look after each other to fight a common nuisance. The mob-rule which the town is experiencing is spiralling out of control, according to residents' complaints at a meeting this week.

The business community and residents are now joining together to resolve the problem of anti-social teens damaging property and intimidating residents. The fact that one youth even took a blow torch to bushes and flowers at the Methodist Church is absolutely outrageous.

The police were accused of not patrolling the area enough but the amount of public support this week showed the local constabulary that Yeadon is not going to stand for any more nonsense.

Some residents even suggested vigilantees to stop the youths vandalising property if the police did not step in. The police did say they would visit the town's hotspots and take names and addresses and issue anti-social behaviour orders if necessary.

It will be interesting to see of any orders are issued and if a more constant police presence in the town reduces the number of complaints.

The town is right not to rest until it sees results and law and order restored to the streets.

The suggestion to introduce congestion charges on the A65 will be stirring up a hornets' nest in Menston and Guiseley. The idea that the A65 could be compared to the city of London will be met with disapproval from many residents.

A charge to use the A65 would not work because it is a single road, too many people live off it and it would be unfair to charge them to get in and out of their drives.

The charges could also be avoided by people using the moor roads as an alternative route to get to Leeds and Bradford. This would cause serious problems because they certainly would not be able to cope with a large amount of traffic.

Possibly in the future congestion charges will be brought in to reduce the flow of traffic in Leeds city centre once the Supertram is created, but presently the public transport into and out of Leeds is appalling and unreliable and most people would still drive.