When youngsters try and emulate Bob the Builder they tend to use wooden bricks.

But budding brickies joining Oldfield Primary School are using the real thing as part of an initiative aimed at confidence building.

The school co-ordinated the bricklaying event with Keighley College as a fun social event for children joining in September.

College tutor Paul Smith gave the youngsters a talk based around the popular cartoon builder and then set them to work building a wall with a corner.

Foundation stage learning mentor Sue Hodgkins said: "The children had a fantastic time and the college tutors said they've never had anyone so young having a go at bricklaying.

"We organised it so that children could get to know each other in a social setting before they join the classes in school, and it was a good way for the parents to meet."

The youngsters were also presented with certificates and a pack containing Bob the Builder goodies and safety instructions.