A little girl's life-changing operation has been postponed until next year to give her the best chance of success.

Nine-year-old Eve McGuire, who was born with a rare genetic condition, was hoping to have treatment this summer which would allow her to breathe properly.

Eve has Treacher Collins Syndrome, which means that not enough bones and cartilage were formed in her face.

Doctors at Leeds General Infirmary had to resuscitate her numerous times as a baby.

She breathes with the help of a tube in her throat and hears by means of a hearing device implanted in her bone.

Her mother Belinda took Eve to New York earlier this month to see the world's foremost specialist in cranio-facial disorders, Dr Joe McCarthy.

They also saw an orthodontist, who decided that it would be better for Eve to have her recessed wisdom teeth removed.

Her father Mike said: "This will give them more bone to work with and more chances of success.

"Dr McCarthy is a specialist in bone distraction, which means that the bone is effectively stretched, and new bone grows.

"If Eve has these teeth out, new bone will grow there too.

"Then she has to wait for everything to settle down, so she will probably be treated in early spring next year."

Eve, of Yeadon, will have the dental surgery this summer.

The family began a campaign to raise £100,000 to treat her in the United States.

Her biggest ambition is to go swimming with her friends, which she cannot do because of the tube. They have almost reached their target, but hope that people will continue their fund-raising efforts. "We are so grateful and really appreciate of all the magnificent donations from everybody," said Mr McGuire.

"We are anxious to improve Eve's quality of life, but have decided not to rush into it and diminish her chances of success.

"It is frustrating and we are all disappointed, but it will be better for Eve in the long run." Despite her setback, Eve still enjoyed her flying visit to New York. "I bought a T-shirt and cuddly monkey. It was really good there," she said.

To donate to the Eve McGuire Trust, e-mail: evesfund@aol.com.