Horsforth lost one of its best-known residents this week - and his death will be keenly felt across the township.

John Brodwell was a Horsfordian through and through, totally committed to the town through his tireless community work, enthusiasm and drive.

Having lived in Horsforth all his life, he was the chairman of the Civic Society, chairman of the Town Council for two years and also chairman of the council's plans committee, as well as Chair of Governors at Horsforth School.

He had a passion and great expertise on planning matters and during his time as head of the town council spearheaded the reintroduction of the town's annual civic service. He was the council's most high profile chairman and he fought to raise the body's profile .Councillor Brodwell, also a deputy coroner in Leeds, will be best remembered for his common sense approach and his disdain for anything overtly political.

He never minced words but also had an unnerving sense of fairness in all he did.He was a breath of fresh air in local government circles and will be virtually impossible to replace. Horsforth is much the poorer for his loss.

Is this the wrong message?

The controversial decision to ban a parishioner from speaking out against the war on Iraq in a prayer has caused ructions in a Horsforth church.

The vicar has banned a member of the congregation from leading the church in prayers after he spoke out about the military action.

He has been taken off the prayer rota - which is supposed to give people turns at expressing their own views through prayer - to protect the congregation.

The church has always stood for free expression so it does seem harsh that it feels it has to take such a strong line at a time when a very public war of words about the conflict is still raging nationally.