Oxenhope enjoyed a day of family fun on the village's millennium green that put youngsters first.

The Oxenhope Village Fete included a host of activities aimed at getting children involved.

Events in the arena throughout Saturday afternoon included a children's fancy dress competition, traditional children's games including sack race and egg and spoon, and a toy boat race in the beck.

Pupils from Oxenhope Primary School sang extracts from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, which they have performed to sell-out audiences at the school.

There was music from the Haworth Band and a performance of traditional dancing by Oakworth Morris Men.

Young and old also chanced their arm at bowling and archery.

Secretary of the millennium green trust Ann Barrans said: "Everyone had a super day and all the village organisations that had stands did very well.

"It was a good family occasion and most of the events were geared towards the children.

"We raise a little bit for the trust, but the objective was to have a village event that was enjoyable for all.

"It was also an opportunity for village clubs to raise money for their own concerns.

"The fete would not have been possible without the dedication of the fete committee working with the trustees, or without the help of the volunteers on the day."

Organisations taking part included Manorlands Sue Ryder Care hospice, Haworth and Oxenhope Guides, the village composting group and Oxenhope antiques club.

Cash raised by the village green trust goes towards the upkeep of the public space, which was opened in October 2000 following a transformation that was funded through the Countryside Agency.