POLICE have banned youngsters from playing in the grounds of Ings School at Skipton out of hours.

Until now the school on Broughton Road has allowed children into the grounds on evenings and weekends, but only if they played in front of the main building or in full view of the road.

However, police say youngsters have abused the system by damaging windows, causing a nuisance and even skateboarding on the roof.

Now headteacher Helen Sturges has made a formal complaint to the police, who will take action against any youngster using the playground out of school hours.

Sgt Will Scarlett said: "We are asking parents and children to be aware that police will be patrolling the school grounds on a regular basis over the summer holiday period to prevent any further damage and nuisance on the premises.

"Ings School has made a formal complaint so that if anyone is found on the premises after school, or is complained about, they may find themselves subject to formal action.

He added: "At the end of the day we want to try to prevent any further damage to the school and that is why we are warning parents not to allow their children into the school grounds.

"It is not only the damage we are concerned about, as there is a genuine concern for the safety of the children as well."