Although the loss of greenery is always a cause for concern, on balance it is good news that Morrisons' plan to build a multi-million-pound new headquarters in Gain Lane has been approved by planning officers. Although the site was formerly designated as public open space, for the last decade it has been up for grabs for development after being allocated for employment under the district's Unitary Development Plan.

The Morrisons application shows a strong commitment to Bradford by a highly-successful company which was born here and has gone on to be a major force in the supermarket world. It will create 136 new jobs to be added to the 514 which will be transferred here from various offices in West Yorkshire.

However, when councillors meet on Thursday to discuss the plans they need to take very seriously the strings which planners have attached to their approval in terms of road improvements and safety measures.

Too often, it seems, developments go ahead without due regard being paid to the additional volume of traffic they will generate. In this case it has been estimated that traffic to and from the new premises using the Leeds Road junction with Gain Lane would increase by 11 per cent at the morning rush hour and nine per cent in the afternoon.

Clearly that will generate a need for new crossings and road-safety measures. It seems only right that the company should be asked to foot the bill for those rather than have the cost carried by hard-pressed council taxpayers.