Four-year-old Maryam Nawaz requires dialysis throughout the night and is currently waiting for a kidney transplant.

Maryam, who attends the reception class at St Anne's Primary School, was born with complex health needs, including renal disorder, a weak heart and she has significant delayed motor skill development.

She is also fed overnight by a tube which goes through her nose and into her stomach. Maryam was nominated for the award by head teacher Brigida Martino.

Miss Martino said: "Maryam is very small in stature but she has a big personality. She is a happy and bubbly little girl who copes well with her disabilities."

Susan Emmett, Maryam's support helper at school, said: "She is always smiling. Most people would be severely ill with just one of her problems, but she remains smiling and happy all the time. Big eyes and a big smile is how most people would describe her."

Susan said Maryam, who has difficulty walking and with stairs, enjoyed story books and picture books.

She added: "It is a lot to cope with for a four-year-old girl but she is always happy. It is a pleasure to be with her."

Next month Maryam will be going to Disneyworld, Paris, with her family and other children with similar difficulties. Maryam said she was excited about the trip, which is being organised by the renal unit at St James's Hospital, Leeds.

Some of the award the money will go towards buying her new toys and equipment.

Maryam is the second pupil from St Anne's in consecutive years to be a beneficiary of the awards. Last year Sam McDermott was able to buy a computer and other equipment.