GOLF, gardening and grandson are the three things Val Broughton will be turning her attention to now she has left South Craven School after 22 years.

Val started off in the school making sure the staff were getting cups of tea and coffee on their breaks. She then moved into the school's office and, after promotions, retired on Friday in the role of senior finance officer, where her main responsibilities have been the school's finances and staff support.

In her time at South Craven she introduced NVQs to the support staff. "That was one of the things I was particularly proud of and also helping support staff to develop their skills."

She has also been a governor and on the senior management team. As if this wasn't enough knowledge of the school, her three children, Claire, Jonathan and Steven were also pupils at the Cross Hills school. After all these years she can't bring herself to completely give up work and will be doing some part-time work at the school after Christmas.

She said that she would miss the people that she had worked with, adding: "It's the people that make South Craven."

Val will now have time to work in her garden, have a second stab at learning to play golf and see more of her three-year-old grandson, Harry.