No defying the law of physics

SIR - Re blocking the canal to stop water flowing into the city centre (T&A Letters, March 20). Was Sir Isaac Newton wrong? Unless Bradford has sunk by over 60ft the Shipley end of the canal is still below the Bradford end.

The latter was located roughly by the bus stop in front of Forster House (see Crighton's painting in Bolling Hall and align the parish church, cathedral, tower). Also the old Spinkwell Lock clearly showed this rise towards Bradford.

Since Bradford has only a small natural supply of water and Bradford Beck is below the level of the canal this could not be utilised without pumping and the creation of storage reservoirs. This was one of the main reasons for the canal's demise.

Each time a lock was used, approximately 80,000 gallons of water had to be pumped back round the lock, towards Bradford, using steam pumping engines which were located at most locks.

This re-circulation eventually led to the water becoming so stagnant and contaminated that gasses were released from the rotting detritus which later actually caught fire.

So, unless the laws of physics have changed and water can run up hill, the new water feature in Centenary Square could become a cesspit.

David Jowett, Old Road, Thornton.

So misleading

SIR - As a member of PARITY I am pleased Mike Priestley is able to enjoy the "rewards" that he wrote about in his column (T&A, March 18) on reaching 60 years of age.

Perhaps he will be good enough to give credit to the members of our campaign who successfully pursued claims to get the concessions equalised at the same age for both men and women instead of at State pension age when they were originally introduced.

In this connection your use of OAP in the headline to the article is grossly misleading as men do not get the State pension until age 65.

H Glover, Cliffe Avenue, Baildon.

Too many chiefs

Sir - I would like to thank Audrey Raistrick for stating that I have nothing to do with her group. This will stop others from writing to me accusing me of being on her "bandwagon".

I would also like to state I have no affiliation with the proposed Pensioners Parliament, the National Pensioners convention, the Yorkshire & Humberside Pensioners Convention or any other group.

My intention has always been to help less-fortunate pensioners in any way I can, whether it be advice, approaching an MP, or giving them the address of pensioners groups in their area - and for this, I am put down from all sides.

The reason I set up an independent service is that there appears to be so many 'responsible' people queuing up to be 'in charge', each group with different polarities.

"With the support of other groups" is not appropriate or workable until someone works out a system of hierarchy, which is acceptable to all the group leaders.

It really disappoints me to find so many selfish attitudes; I did think that all this was for the welfare of all pensioners.

Trevor Williams-Berry, Co-ordinator Yorkshire Pensioners Advisory Service, Bredon Avenue, Wrose, Shipley

Super performers

Sir - Isn't it about time we heard something good come out of a school that has been constantly in the press since it was built?

I for one, being a single parent of a child in Year 9, am very proud of what four young boys, aged 14, from Immanuel, have achieved.

On Saturday March 6, the boys -James Adsets, Matthew Bruce, James Lee and Calvin Bowers - got together to entertain a packed crowd at Thackley Football Club.

The event was organised to raise money for the Macmillan Nurses, and this was the final push to raise funds for this special cause.

Neighbours Nightmare is a rock band that played all night, doing covers ranging from the Beatles to Darkness!

Only their third performance to a live crowd, they showed massive confidence and what I can only call 'nerves of steel' to perform to so many people at such a young age.

All I can say to these four courageous young men is keep it up, you did fantastically well, and I hope the rest of the parents are as proud as I am, and your school even more so.

Lindsay Bruce, Kingston Road, Thackley.

Postal vote fears

SIR - What makes Shipley MP Chris Leslie think that people who just cannot be bothered to turn out to vote will be bothered to apply for a postal vote, fill it in and then go out to post it?

Only those who really need one should be allowed a postal vote. If there is apathy, the likes of Chris Leslie should realise part of the blame rests on their shoulders.

P E Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley.