Mormon records are being recommended as an invaluable source of information for people wanting to trace their ancestors.

Amateur geneologists are able to find a potential wealth of information in indexes compiled by the religion, which encourages its members to trace their forebears.

The little-known source of information, which can be found at Mormon churches or on the internet, was highlighted by local expert Stanley Merridew.

Mr Merridew, the President of the Wharfedale Family History Group, is one of the experts giving advice at newly-launched help sessions for amateur geneologists.

And he stressed that anyone new to the hobby should take advantage of the potential mass of information which has already been compiled by other groups and individuals.

The group gives general advice and can suggest a whole range of shortcuts - such as the Mormon indexes - which a raw beginner may not be aware of.

Mr Merridew said anyone new to the hobby should also look to see if other enthusiasts have already documented common ancestors or family members.

But he also stressed the importance of being aware of possible errors and of checking information gained in this way.

The group, which has produced more than 140 publications of its own, has now held two successful help sessions. The next will take place at Salem Church Hall, Burley-in-Wharfedale, from 2pm to 4pm on Thursday April 15.

The group's secretary Mrs Susan Hartley can be contacted on (0113) 250 7249.