COUNCIL representatives held their hands up at a public meeting and said that mistakes had been made in the renaissance process.

The issue was brought up at this week's Skipton and West Craven Area Forum when the public demanded answers over the dismantling of the original Skipton renaissance team at a Craven Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) meeting in March.

The group "sacked" six non-council members on the grounds that the team lacked public accountability to deal with confidential information about public assets worth more than £20 million.

One of those "sacked", John Kerwin-Davey, said: "How on earth can the current members of the renaissance team be part of it when they know that the team has been put together with such chicanery and underhand methods?"

Jonathan Kerr, head of economic and community development at Craven District Council, explained that they had followed advice from consultants and "rushed into" setting up a renaissance team.

"We are big enough to put our hands up and say we made a mistake," he explained.