A theatre group is preparing for its next production -- a public speaking workshop.

The Arcadia Players is staging the event -- "Positive Communic-ations" -- at Glusburn Institute on Tuesday, from 8-10pm.

The session will provide structured guidance and participants will have the chance to deliver their own speeches and presentations, with constructive feedback.

Brian Outlaw -- founder of public speaking training company CBS and a long-standing member of Bradford Speakers Club -- is leading the session.

The amateur actor will also explain how delivery skills, such as enunciation, pace, volume and pitch, can be applied to acting.

Alex Waddington, chairman of the Arcadia Players, said: "Whether it's for job interviews, work presentations, meetings or wedding speeches, good communication skills are extremely important and useful. An individual's personal and professional life can be enhanced by learning the art of public speaking, and we invite anyone who is interested to come along to this special session."

The workshop will cost £4 per person. Booking is essential.

To reserve a place contact Mr Waddington on 07870 847201.