residents in the Showfield area of Keighley are being urged to attend a special neighbourhood forum meeting to settle a car parking wrangle.

A Bradford Council traffic officer will attend the May 4 meeting to put forward ideas for solving problems in Strawberry Street.

The row centres on drivers who park cars on both sides of the narrow street, which runs off Skipton Road, in central Keighley.

Elderly tenants of Tonson Court sheltered housing complex, at the bottom of the street, claim fire engines, ambulances, community transport and the mobile library face access problems.

A petition signed by more than 70 pensioners suggested painting yellow lines down one side of Strawberry Street.

The petition states: "As there are a lot of older people at Tonson Court and Strawberry Fields opposite, it is essential that access is available for emergencies."

Residents in the network of nearby streets have now sent a 65-signature petition opposing plans for such waiting restrictions.

They say they will agree to the restrictions only if Bradford Council makes up potholed Drake Street, which runs parallel with Strawberry Street.

Mr M Hanif, of Drake Street, said: "Drake Street is very dangerous for road users and is in a derelict state of repair. It needs urgent attention.

"The repair work will provide the residents of Strawberry and Drake Street with an alternative parking area for their vehicles."

Keighley Area Committee, Bradford's local decision-making body, postponed a decision on the waiting restrictions during its meeting last month.

It wants to assess residents' views after a full discussion at the Showfield forum meeting, on May 4, at 6.30pm, in the Friends Meeting House, in Skipton Road. Everyone is welcome to attend the forum. Area committee members will also visit the streets before their next meeting.