A zebra crossing on busy West Lane, Keighley, could finally get the go-ahead from councillors next week.

They will be asked to choose one of four ideas for improving safety on a stretch between Braithwaite and Highfield.

Parents of pupils at Our Lady of Victories Primary School believe a zebra crossing is the only way of keeping their children safe.

Keighley Area Committee, Bradford Council's local decision-making body, will meet on Wednesday to discuss four options for improvement.

It last month told traffic engineers to think again after rejecting plans for a pedestrian refuge at the junction with Highfield Road and Guard House Road.

One new option is to build-out the pavement on both sides of the junction to narrow West Lane, at a cost of £5,000.

Other options are a £12,000 zebra crossing with a build-out, a £5,000 pedestrian refuge, or taking no further action.

The area committee allocated £12,000 for safety improvements at the junction in March 2002. Money has not yet been spent at the location.

The zebra crossing proposal was welcomed this week by Bradford councillor Irene Ellison-Wood and Keighley town councillor John Phillip, who both represent the area.

Cllr Philip added: "Highfield Road needs better visibility, so long as the narrowing doesn't go too far up West Lane. Narrowing on the Highfield Road side would probably take out the danger."

Cllr Ellison-Wood said: "The money is there and I want the crossing to go ahead. I have no objection to anything that slows traffic down, but the crossing is essential."