A parish council is campaigning to overturn a law so it can be represented on the village primary school governing body.

Oxenhope Parish Council has been unable to have a seat on the governing body of Oxenhope Primary School for this school year.

Last summer it sought representation through one of the local authority places. Because the council has not gained one of those places, it is asking the National Association of Local Councils to change the Education Act.

Speaking at the parish council's annual meeting, chairman Cllr Chris Brown said: "Parish councils used to have the right to appoint a governor to their local school. This kept the village and school in touch and resulted in better understanding and productive co-operation.

"The Education Act ended this arrangement and the parish council now has to ask Bradford Council to appoint a village representative from its quota of governors. This does not work and might place the person appointed in a position where there could be a conflict of interest.

"We have asked Bradford to appoint someone. This has not yet happened. In the meantime we are asking the National Association of Local Councils to get the law changed back".

John Hesketh, manager of Education Bradford's school governor service, said Education Bradford had adopted a number of changes because of the 2002 act.

He said all schools, including secondary and special schools, could fill one of their community governor's positions with parish councillors.

And for primary schools, parish councils could use one of up to three local education authority places.

He said: "Parish council representation was certainly reduced, but we are keen in Bradford for parish councils to be still involved.

"We are looking at means for them to be involved."

Governors sit on the governing body for four years. But because the size of the bodies, which range from nine to 20, reflects the size of the school, Oxenhope Parish Council might have so far struggled to gain representation because it was a small school.

l A new 20mph speed limit will be imposed in Oxenhope.

The speed restrictions will be put into action throughout the village centre after no objections were received to the order.

Keighley Area Committee allocated £27,000 to the new restrictions last year. They will include signs being erected, but no other furniture such as bumps or chicanes will be added.

The parish council welcomed the plans but wanted the zone to be extended.