A recruitment company has proved just the job for film crews -- after they asked to borrow its premises for a new television programme.

Ace Personnel, of Dalton Mills, Dalton Lane, Keighley, is the new location for BBC drama "North and South".

Ace recruitment consultant Farrah King said: "When they rang up to ask if it was possible a couple of months ago, we said of course they could -- as long as they used us too!"

Farrah and fellow consultant Emma McDermott have been given minor roles as rebelling mill workers in the new programme.

As a seasoned amateur dramatics performer, Farrah is unfazed by her new role. Emma said: "We are extras and I doubt we'll have lines to say."

The BBC is currently filming scenes in Edinburgh. Filming in Keighley is scheduled for next Friday, when the sets are built.

Workmen are making a fake mill front, redoing windows and laying false stones, along with peat, sawdust and sand to create a Victorian look.

Farrah said she and Emma would be working in portable cabins in the car park for two weeks until filming was complete.

North and South is a four-part adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's feisty and passionate love story.

It is described as a romance, set across the social divide in the world of Victorian industrial society.

It will be shown on BBC1 in the autumn.