Move over calendar girls - the calendar boys are here and doing their bit to raise awareness of men and cancer.

Four Bradford men - whose lives have all been affected by cancer - have stripped off to take part in a national calendar called Real Men, to raise money for the National Conference of Cancer Self Help Groups.

The four - Colin Sloane, David Bland, Jason Knowles and Steve Hawley - have all been involved with Bradford Cancer Support Centre, after they or a family member were diagnosed with cancer.

Colin, who is community development worker at the support centre, is Mr July and has just a set of golf clubs to protect his modesty.

David, a volunteer driver, is featured in September, Jason, also a volunteer is February and Steve, who has since moved away from the Bradford area is January. Each month is accompanied by their story of how cancer has affected their life.

Jason, 33, of Allerton, was just 20 when he was first diagnosed with bone cancer. After having one leg bone replaced with a steel implant, he is now in remission.

"I want to raise awareness of cancer and thought it would be a good laugh, which it has been," he said.

David, 53, who is also vice-chairman of the Cancer Patient Carer Forum at the centre, has cared for his wife Jacky since she was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Disease.

She is now in remission but the couple live under the shadow of the return of cancer, which David says many cancer patients will identify with.

"I hope the calendar will raise awareness of cancer, which at the end of the day is what it is all about," he said.

Colin was first diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1996 at the age of 35 and has had six recurrences over the past eight years. He has been clear for a year.

"The calendar is all in a good cause and raising the profile of cancer," he said. "Particularly around men living with cancer, as they are sometimes not too good taking about their health."

All money raised will help stage the national conference which usually attracted 400 delegates from around the country.

"It is a huge event," said Colin. "It lasts four days and there are workshops and complementary therapies and it is a chance to meet other cancer patients and carers."

The calendar costs £7.99 and is available from the Cancer Support Centre or from the Cancer Information Centre near the main reception area at Bradford Royal Infirmary.