A man who fell victim to spiralling debts after he lost a high-flying job has become one of Bradford's newest debt advisors.

Life took a nose-dive for Mohammed Khan, of Thornton, six years ago when his marriage broke down.

His health deteriorated rapidly because of the stress and he spent two months in intensive care with chronic renal failure and high blood pressure. Over the next five years Mr Khan, 38, had to travel to hospital for tests and claim incapacity benefit because he was too sick to work.

"I'd gone from having a brilliant salary to getting just £75 a week," he said. "I'd lost everything. Bills mounted up and so did the rent arrears until I owed £8,000. I felt I was in a big hole and couldn't climb out, I was getting in deeper and deeper."

Mr Khan said it was getting married to a good friend that helped him find an escape route. "If it hadn't been for Nasim I would not be here today, she helped me get back on my feet," he said.

Mr Khan's health improved so much after the wedding he was able to get work with a security firm and now he has just £200 to pay off before his debts are cleared. "I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders," he said. "I feel better about myself and enjoy having a little extra money to spend on treats - without going wild."

Mr Khan is one of six new debt counsellors who will now be helping people across Bradford become more money-wise. He has completed a ten-week advice course run by Royds Advice service at Woodside Village Centre and is now qualified to help to people with cash troubles.

The team will be based at the centre in Fenwick Drive but will staff outreach surgeries at churches, doctors' surgeries and community centres across Bradford South and West.

Woodside Village Centre's debt-unit manager Nisar Afsar said the course, backed by charity Advice UK and funded by Bradford's South and West Primary Care Trust, would be re-run in November.

Mr Afsar said: "Our experience shows that the majority of people who come to us for help are frightened and worried and think there is no way out which leads to stress, anxiety, breakdown of relationships and poor health. Coming up with a solution to mounting debts is time-consuming and not always easy for people to do on their own but with the help of a trained debt worker it can be done."

To find out more about getting help or the next course, call (01274) 425305.