Residents in Cottingley are being given the chance to have their say on plans to help relieve traffic congestion and tackle rat-runners through the village.

More than 1,800 questionnaires are being sent out to people in the village by Bradford Council's highways bosses, urging them to consider proposals to stop drivers using short-cuts between Bradford Road and Cottingley New Road, and to improve the Bradford Old Road and Cottingley Moor Road junction.

Residents have complained that traffic levels in the village have increased since the opening of Bingley Relief Road, causing congestion and safety fears.

The Telegraph & Argus reported earlier this year how Bradford Council traffic surveys have shown more than 2,000 extra vehicles are coming through Saltaire roundabout since the new relief road opened. And 900 more vehicles are using Cottingley New Road daily.

The options to reduce rat-running through Bradford Road and Cottingley New Road are:

l Traffic calming and a 20mph speed limit to reduce speeds on the main roads through the residential areas;

l Short one-way roads with traffic calming on Manor Drive to cut the number of vehicles going through the residential area between Bradford Road and Cottingley New Road.

Options to improve the Bradford Old Road and Cottingley Moor Road junction are:

l A mini-roundabout which would make it easier for traffic to turn into Cottingley Moor Road;

l Widening Bradford Old Road, near the Sun pub, and installing traffic lights;

l Widening Bradford Old Road on both sides of Cottingley Moor Road and installing traffic lights.

Bradford Council leader and ward councillor Margaret Eaton (Con, Bingley Rural) said: "This consultation is part of our overall plan to lessen the impact of the Bingley Relief Road.

"We have been listening to people's concerns and the proposals we have drawn up are based on the initial comments. Now we want them to help us to decide which option to go for. If they don't like the options we are considering then we want them to put forward their own suggestions."

Pam Allen, acting head teacher at Cottingley Village Primary School, said: "From a safety point of view we welcome these proposals with open arms."

An exhibition will be held for the public to view the proposals at the Community Resource Centre at Littlelands Court, in Littlelands, on Wednesday, between 1.30pm and 6.30pm. The final return date for the questionnaire is October 15.

The Cottingley improvements are part of an Aire Valley traffic improvement scheme.