Odsal village can benefit everyone

Sir - At the risk of being controversial could I offer support to the idea of a sports village based around Odsal Stadium.

I could easily be just another 'Nimby' because I live just 100 metres from the stadium and have to cope with traffic and litter on Bulls match days.

Odsal is in an ideal position for such a scheme, being close to the M606 and very accessible for major sports and recreational events.

Many years ago I used Horsfall Playing Fields both from school (Carlton Grammar) and in my own time so I know it very well.

But how about this for an idea: transfer all the facilities at present at Horsfall to Odsal, after all it's not far away, and convert Horsfall to cater for speedway and stock cars.

Any loss of facilities for children to play could be compensated for by using nearby areas such as where the school used to be.

There is still some way to go before final plans are put together so let's give Chris Caisley a chance to show the village can be built and that it can benefit the people of Bradford without causing local residents too many problems.

John Stead, Rooley Avenue, Odsal.

Jams nightmare

Sir - How much more money are the Bradford Council's highway officers going to waste, or when are they going to listen to Joe Public?

The traffic chaos in Cottingley and Saltaire was predicted from the start and while I am on that subject, the traffic jams in Park Road infuriate me daily. How can parking be allowed on a narrow road which carries heavy traffic, is a bus route and then divides into two lanes, one turning right the other one left?

It's about time these highways officers had some foresight or common sense.

Mrs M Kirkiewicz, The Orchards, Bingley.

Ill-mannered lot

SIR - In my own experience of walking along the foot paths besides the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, P Robertshaw (T&A, September 24) must be the exception rather than the norm in giving way to pedestrians as I have found that generally cyclists are usually an ill-mannered and aggressive lot.

Quite the opposite of giving way to pedestrians, they usually come speeding up behind you ringing their bell and expect you to jump out of their way so as not to impede their progress.

This is certainly not as Mr Robertshaw would have us believe.

R Stirk, Moorbottom Lane, Bingley.

Charity's work

SIR - As a local volunteer, may I introduce readers to the work of RUKBA, a charity that helps older people on low incomes to remain independent in their own homes?

Help includes a small regular income, financial help in times of crisis, mobility equipment and friendship of volunteer visitors.

October 4-10 is RUKBA week and the charity is launching a free guide, called '60-Wise at Home', which contains a wealth of advice and practical ideas to help older people remain independent day-to-day.

RUKBA is also encouraging people to apply for help. Because we cannot assist everyone, priority is given to those who have helped others, perhaps a relative or helping out in the community.

All assistance is given with the utmost discretion and sensitivity.

For more information on how RUKBA can help or on becoming a volunteer, please call Jim Butterfield on (01943) 430411 for a confidential chat. To obtain a free copy of '60-Wise at Home' call (08457) 585680 or visit www.rukba.org.uk.

Jim Butterfield, Valley Drive, Ilkley.

No-school children

Sir - As parents are being told that they face fines if they do not ensure that their children attend school, I find it unbelievable that there are so many children who were due to start primary school in September without a local school to attend.

In my area there are two schools, St Matthew's and Bowling Park Primary, each having full reception classes and 15 children on waiting lists, who are being forced to stay at nursery until a solution is found.

The obvious one would be that they could open a new classroom to accommodate them, as both schools have an empty classroom. Surely our children ought to be encouraged to go to school and not be refused a school to go to.

Julie Lintern, Martlett Drive, West Bowling, Bradford.