Images of the devastation caused by the Indian Ocean disaster had such an impact on a Bradford teenager that he is flying to Sri Lanka to help.

Mike Wilson, 19, of Shipley, is travelling to South East Asia on February 13 to help victims of the tsunami disaster.

"I saw the first images on television and heard the initial reports of 20,000 people dead and it was shocking, but then the number of people dead just kept growing," said Mike, a former pupil of Hanson School.

"If I can handle this level of devastation I know I will do well in my chosen career as a paramedic."

Mike, who has two brothers and a sister, said he was not sure what to expect when he arrived in Sri Lanka, other than mass destruction.

"I just know that I have to be prepared for anything," he said. "There is still a massive amount of work to be done."

Mike found out about the trip on the internet and originally his brother and his girlfriend were going to go with him but could not get the time off work.

"It's scarier going on my own but it is something I am really determined to do," he said.

Mike will be working in a team of 15 people from different parts of the world rebuilding homes, working with children in the orphanages, tidying up the beaches and distributing food and aid.

"I just want to do as much as I can to help the millions of people affected," he said.

The two-week trip has been organised by an American company called Global Crossroads and will cost £1,500, some of which goes towards the appeal.

Mike is getting a helping hand raising the money from his colleagues at the Noble Comb pub in Shipley, where is a barman.

James Molyneux, deputy manager, said: "We heard about Mike's plans and naturally wanted to do what we could to help him help the victims.

"We have buckets on the bar for Oxfam's appeal and the company will make a donation to help Mike travel to Sri Lanka."

A donation of £200 was made to Mike from Andy Harrison, the chef at the Noble Comb.

"That was really generous. I think it shows how much this disaster has touched people's hearts," said Mike.