A quality solution to traffic jams

SIR - Keith Thomson (T&A, April 7) is right that our traffic problems are a consequence of economic success. Fortunately, this success means society can afford much higher quality public transport.

First, Britain's main bus operator, is offering to introduce new, high-quality luxurious 'Streetcars' in cities where the local authority provides good bus priority and facilities.

High-quality buses in nearby Harrogate have demonstrated that people willingly leave their cars at home if there is a decent alternative.

Metro already provides excellent train services and we could soon have excellent bus services so that we can enjoy our affluent lifestyle to the full without degrading it with gridlock, pollution and road casualties.

With proper priority, buses can shift as many people as a massive motorway much wider than the Bingley Relief Road and each bus load saves around 50 parking places in the centre for those who really need them.

There is simply no need to waste our time sitting in traffic jams breathing poisonous fumes, unless Bradford Council fails to respond to First's imaginative offer.

Ray Wilkes, Co-ordinator, Yorkshire & Humberside Transport Round Table, Tower Road, Shipley.

Thoughtful gesture

SIR - I would like to express gratitude to the members of the Bradford Educational and Cultural Association of Sikhs for their message of sympathy on the death of Pope John Paul II, which was inserted in the Family Notices section of the T&A of Saturday, April 9.

It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture and an example of the love and respect which we should all have for each other to make for peace and harmony in this troubled world.

Mrs A Callaghan, Hall Road, Bradford.

The city was dead!

SIR - Four of us booked into the Victoria Hotel the night before Bradford City played Hull City.

The plan was to have a good night out in your town centre, then go to the game the following day while the girls did a bit of shopping.

I said that was the plan.

The hotel was excellent value, pity we seemed to be the only guests, but Bradford city centre on a Saturday night was a huge let-down. So much so we thought it was shut!

Such a contrast to Hull city centre on a weekend. Hull would compare to Las Vegas while Bradford would compare to somewhere like Scunthorpe.

Worse was to come on the planned Sunday shopping idea. Everywhere was shut! We couldn't even get a decent coffee.

So the girls caught the bus to Leeds and spent their cash there. We spent three hours taking in the delights of the Manningham Road area waiting for Valley Parade to open.

If Bradford is a serious contender in the weekend city breaks market, I suggest you visit Hull and see how it's done.

M G Greaves, Fortune Way, Anlaby Road, Hull.

Appalling filth

SIR - Being born and bred in Bradford I am ashamed of the levels of dirt and filthiness in the Bradford 3 area.

I have recently bought a house in Maidstone Street and am appalled at the amount of litter and household waste dumped in the alleyways and in the front gardens of people's houses.

I cannot believe our Council has stood by and allowed this. How are they helping?

We are not a third-world city yet we cannot live to basic levels of hygiene. It speaks greatly about us as a city. I remain ashamed.

Richard Waters, Maidstone Street, Bradford.

More the better

SIR - Mr Depledge (T&A, April 2) need not worry about the photovoltaic cells being placed on the Central Library. As I understand it they are mobile and can easily be transferred if the need arises.

The good news is that this is the first initiative in the city to produce electricity without any carbon dioxide. The more the better and as soon as possible. Well done, councillors.

Keith Thomson, Heights Lane, Bradford.

More not less

SIR - In his letter (T&A, April 5) Mr Bird refers to the large amount of money that the NHS reputedly receives from government and the inefficient way it is used.

Surely with the NHS being in the region of £250 million in the red, it is not receiving enough funding?

T Hill, Harbour Crescent, Bradford.