Stop smoking experts in Bradford have been inundated with callers wanting to quit the habit for the New Year.

They are booked up solid for two weeks but are still taking appointments on the support and advice programme.

Expert Di Woodall said the poignant "mum/dad" funeral wreaths advert on television and on advertising hoardings showing grieving children has played a huge part.

And recent figures showing that one in three deaths of people over 35 in Bradford are smoking-related have also boosted figures.

Those figures led to the Telegraph & Argus launching its Clear the Air campaign calling for the Government to impose an outright ban on smoking in public places.

In the first three months of last year, around 2,300 people in the district registered to quit.

This year indications are that demand in the same period could be even higher.

Di Woodall, based at Stop Smoking headquarters in Leeds Road Hospital, said: "We are booked up solid for two weeks although still making appointments. Anyone calling will still be given an appointment."

There are around 60 experts in the Bradford district mainly based at GPs' surgeries.

She added: "The ad campaign shows it is not just about the smoker's health. It shows smoking has a big impact on those left behind."

There are more than 170 free local NHS Stop Smoking Services throughout the country. Smokers meet with their advisers, either individually or as part of a group, for an hour or two for seven weeks.

They spend the first two weeks preparing to give up - then stop in the third week.

They can also be provided with Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Zyban on prescription.

Public Health Minister Melanie Johnson said: "We know 70 per cent of smokers want to stop. For some, however, fears about their children can be motivation to quit."

For details of NHS Stop Smoking Services, call the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 0 169, or visit your local GP.