Police are today appealing for witnesses in a bid to catch masked robbers who threatened an elderly couple in their own home.

Officers have moved to quell fears in Sutton-in-Craven, saying that while the attack was shocking, such incidents were relatively rare.

The incident happened on Thursday night when masked men entered the couple’s home at around 9pm and hit the male occupant in the face.

Detectives investigating the case said three men wearing balaclavas entered the house and spent some time hunting for cash and valuables.

Detective Inspector Heather Pearson said: “The occupants of the house are a couple both in their 70s. The lady is not in good health.

“The actions of those responsible are particularly callous and cruel.

“Any attack that takes place within the home understandably leaves people feeling vulnerable and this offence has left both victims shaken and upset.”

A short time after the robbery, three men in balaclavas confronted the occupants of a vehicle that was blocking their escape route near Ellers Road, Sutton.

The men demanded the key to the vehicle from the occupants and threatened them before making off in a red or maroon estate car.

The getaway car was last seen heading down Ellers Road at 9.20pm.

Det Insp Pearson said: “I would seek to reassure the community of Sutton-in-Craven that we are actively pursuing all lines of inquiry. Offences of this nature, while shocking, are rare.”

Anyone with information should call the police on 0845 6060 247, quoting Sutton-in-Craven robber, or the confidential Crimestoppers line on 0800 555111.

e-mail: will.kilner@telegraphandargus.co.uk