A Bradford teenager has told a jury she was raped and sexually abused when she was ten years old.

She said she would cry alone years later thinking about what she had endured.

The girl told Bradford Crown Court today she suffered from depression and had self-harmed.

Anthony Butters, 48, denies sexually abusing the teenager between 2002 and 2004 and has pleaded not guilty to two charges of indecent assault and one of rape.

Butters, who lives in north east England, is alleged to have committed the offences in the Bradford area.

Prosecutor Helen Hendry told Bradford Crown Court the abuse began when the girl was only ten.

She said: “A campaign of abuse was wreaked against this girl for many months.”

Miss Hendry told the jury Butters began by indecently touching the child and progressed to raping her.

She alleged he told the girl: “It’s our little secret.”

Butters was arrested in June last year and told the police the allegations were false and malicious.

Cross-examined by Butters’ barrister, Lee Fish, the girl denied lying to the police and the jury about the abuse.

She said she told her boyfriend what had happened to her and he urged her to tell her mother.

The teenager said she warned Butters on the phone she was going to reveal what he had done to her.

Her mother overheard the call and her daughter told her what had happened to her.

The girl said the abuse made her feel dirty and she told Butters to stop.

The trial continues.