The Telegraph & Argus is continuing its search for the unsung heroes in our communities.

The Bradford’s Best Community Awards, a partnership with Bradford Council, will recognise the selfless achievements of people, groups and businesses in ten categories.

The winners will each receive £500 (individuals) and £1,000 (groups), a trophy, and the honour of being named one of Bradford’s Best.

Today, we focus on the Best Community Project for Disabled category, and one scheme that has been nominated for that award.

The ‘Help I’m Lost Card’ project was set up and is led by a small group of young people aged 16 to 25 with learning disabilities who visit SNOOP, a charity based in Greengates, Bradford, which provides activities for people with disabilities.

Young people came up with the idea for their project while they learned about travel training and personal safety.

Their concept is a card containing an emergency contact number that young people with a learning disability can carry with them in their bag or wallet when they are travelling independently.

If they become lost or, for example, catch the wrong bus, they can show their card to someone who can help them to contact home or their parent or carer.

Since coming up with the design, the youngsters have visited shops in the Idle and Greengates area, and Subway, Sainsbury’s, Matalan, NatWest and Numark Pharmacists.

Each business has agreed to display a sample card in the window of their premises so people with a learning disability would know it was a safe place to go for help.

They presented their project at a meeting of The Mobility Planning Group, which helps plan transport services in the district, Bradford North Area Committee and Bradford People First.

They have also invited the police to talk to the group about staying safe while out and about.

The group is now eager to introduce widespread use of the cards and is hoping to gain the support of Bradford Council, Metro, Bradford Interchange as well as more shops and businesses.
