A group of Bradford residents became so fed-up with the state of their streets they clubbed together to give the area a general tidy up and make repairs to the road surface.

Householders living in Bull Royd Crescent and Bull Royd Avenue in Allerton, which have not been adopted by Bradford Council, were asked to pay £10 each towards the work.

A total of £420 was raised, with many residents giving more than was required, and a team of ten volunteers got to work repairing about 25 potholes.

They hired a jackhammer and wacker plate, and used 50 bags of asphalt and limestone chippings to make repairs. They also cut down shrubs and nettles and cleared moss off a wall.

Organiser Latif Mir, a community resource manager, said: “We decided it was something that would be beneficial to everyone. If we don’t do anything about it nobody else will.

“Without everybody’s support we would have been struggling. A lot of the people who weren’t able to help came out and made tea for us or let us use their electricity. Hopefully next year when we do it again more people will want to be part of this. It was a good way to get to know the neighbours.”

Bradford Council has pledged support valued at £372 from its community clean-up fund.

Councillor Adrian Longthorn (Lab, Clayton and Fairweather Green) said: “I entirely support their endeavours to improve their road pending budgets being made available by the local authority for the adoption of private roads.”