Pudsey’s Fulneck Amateur Dramatic Society are putting on John Godber’s black and satirical comedy Lucky Sods this week.

There is a lot of history in the marriage of Jean and Morris; nothing that a £2m National Lottery win can’t put right.

But can a life of luxury globe-trotting and a swanky new house, complete with spa bath, really paper over the cracks between them?

Fulneck’s actor and director Dave Robbins says: “The play was written shortly after the lottery launched in 1994. Apart from the size of the prizes, not much has changed since.

“So rather than updating the references, we decided to leave the play in its 1990s time capsule.

“Along the way there are plenty of laughs as Godber tries to answer the age-old question: ‘Does money buy happiness?’ “To which the worldly cynic might reply: John Godber is rich enough to know that money might not buy love or happiness, but it enables you to be miserable in comfort.”

Lucky Sods is on at Fulneck’s Comenius Centre tomorrow until Saturday. For tickets, ring (0113) 2570569.