A woman of 86 has suffered a sex attack at a Bradford care home.

Staff at the Springfield residential home in Western Way, Woodside, raised the alarm at about 2am yesterday.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police’s Homicide and Major Enquiry Team, led by Detective Chief Inspector Jon Hoyle, are carrying out the inquiry.

The scene was cordoned off yesterday while a detailed forensic examination took place.

The victim, a resident at the home, was taken to hospital following the incident and is being cared for by police officers and medical professionals.

She is understood to have physical injuries, which are not life-threatening.

A police spokesman said: “She has clearly been traumatised and has a caring family around her.”

It is not known if there were any signs of a break-in at the home. The spokesman said police inquiries were at an early stage and were ongoing.

The residential home is run by Anchor Homes which specialises in providing accommodation for the elderly.

Sarah Horner, the care home manager, said she could not reveal any details, other than to confirm there had been a “serious” incident.

A spokesman for Anchor Homes said: “I can confirm there has been an incident and the police are investigating.”

The care home was busy with police activity throughout yesterday.

A team of white-clothed forensic officers remained at the scene in the afternoon and a police cordon could be seen stretched across a garden area at the front western corner of the building.

Police community support officers were guarding the scene while officers carrying out investigations entered and left the care home during the day.

People who live nearby stood at their windows as the forensic teams appeared to search the area of grass.

One, who did not want to be named, said: “There are a lot of comings and goings all the time, so we weren’t aware of any unusual noises. But you wouldn’t expect anything untoward happening, what with so many people around.

“It is very shocking.”

Another resident, whose daughter works at the care home, said: “It is very worrying. I can’t imagine what the old dears are thinking.”