A library which loans specialist toys to disabled youngsters in Bradford is appealing for volunteers so it can help older children in the district.

Bradford Toy Library, based at the Child Development Centre at St Luke’s hospital, provides toys and play equipment to more than 1,000 young children across the district but wants to expand its services to cater from them as they grow older.

Emma Hanson, a member of the Bradford Toy Library committee, said: “Often we lose them when they get to eight or nine and we would like to expand our services to provide theme days and books for slightly older children who drop away from our library but who still need as much support as they can get.”

The charity’s two employees have their time taken up with the general running of the library.

The organisation is looking to create a team of volunteers to take over their work so they can focus on community projects and days out for the children. Mrs Hanson said: “The two experienced staff can be out in the community doing what they do best which they are not able to do at the moment as they have to serve the customers. If we get enough volunteers we’d like to open longer and maybe hold an after-school club.”

The library, which has been running for 30 years and relies on donations from the public, has a sensory corner for children with learning disabilities and spends up to £800 on specialist toys.

Mrs Hanson added: “If we have a child with a specific need we can buy a toy suitable for their needs. We try to target buy for children using the service. It’s an equally important service for the parents as the children. It’s very beneficial when you have a child with special needs to meet people in a similar boat.”

The library is also seeking new committee members who will help with fundraising projects and make decisions about the running of the service.

The library is open 9.30am to 12.30pm on weekdays as well as 1pm to 3pm Monday to Wednesday and 1pm to 2pm on Thursdays.

For more information or to make a donation call 01274 365463 or visit bradfordtoylibrary.co.uk.